Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nuclei basales (par)

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
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Current level nuclei basales (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
61887 6216 tax
nuclei basales (par) ; corpora striata (par)
basal nuclei (pair)
61833 6217 tax
nucleus caudatus (par)
caudate nucleus (pair)
61852 6218 tax
caput nuclei caudati (par)
head of caudate nucleus (pair)
61853 6219 tax
corpus nuclei caudati (par)
body of caudate nucleus (pair)
61854 6220 tax
cauda nuclei caudati (par)
tail of caudate nucleus (pair)
77615 6221 tax
nucleus lentiformis (par) ; nucleus lenticularis (par)
lentiform nucleus (pair) ; lenticular nucleus (pair)
61834 6222 tax
putamen (par)
putamen (pair)
62469 6223 tax
lamina medullaris lateralis ; lamina medullaris externa
lateral medullary layer ; external medullary layer
61839 6224 tax
globus pallidus lateralis (par); globus pallidalis externus (par)
lateral segment of globus pallidus (pair); external segment of globus pallidus (pair)
62470 6225 tax
lamina medullaris medialis ; lamina medullaris interna
medial medullary layer ; internal medullary layer
61840 6226 tax
globus pallidus medialis (par); globus pallidalis internus (par)
medial segment of globus pallidus (pair); internal segment of globus pallidus (pair)
6227 tax
pars lateralis (par)
lateral part (pair)
62471 6228 tax
lamina medullaris accessoria (par)
accessory medullary layer (pair)
6229 tax
pars medialis (par)
medial part (pair)
9839 tax
substantia grisea striati (par)
grey matter of striatum (pair)
77620 6232 tax
striatum dorsale (par)
dorsal striatum (pair)
9840 tax
substantia grisea nuclei caudati (par)
grey matter of caudate nucleus (pair)
9841 tax
striosoma (par)
striosome (pair)
9842 tax
matrix striatalis (par)
striatal matrix (pair)
6240 tax
pontes grisei caudatolenticulares (par) ; pontes grisei transcapsulares (par)
caudatolenticular grey bridges (pair) ; transcapsular grey bridges (pair)
77614 6205 tax
striatum ventrale (par)
ventral striatum (pair)
fundus striati (par)
fundus of striatum (pair)
61889 6206 tax
nucleus accumbens (par)
nucleus accumbens (pair)
77385 6207 tax
pars centralis (par)
central part (pair) ; core region (pair)
77386 6208 tax
pars medialis (par)
medial part (pair) ; shell region (pair)
61891 6199 tax
tuberculum olfactorium (par)
olfactory tubercle (pair)
61888 6194 tax
insulae olfactoriae (par) ; insulae terminales (par)
olfactory islets (pair) ; terminal islets (pair) ; olfactory islands (pair); terminal islands (pair)
9852 tax
neura striati (par)
neurons of striatum (pair)
9853 tax
neura projectionis striati (par) ; neura principalia striati (par)
projection neurons of striatum (pair); principal neurons of striatum (pair)
8791 tax
neura spinosa magnitudinis mediae striati (par)
middle spinous neurons of striatum (pair) ; medium-sized spiny cells of striatum (pair)
8792 tax
interneura striati (par)
interneurons of striatum (pair)
8794 tax
interneura excitatoria striati (par)
excitatory interneurons of striatum (pair)
8795 tax
interneura cholinergica striati (par)
cholinergic interneurons of striatum (pair) ; aspiny type II cholinergic interneurons (pair)
8797 tax
interneura inhibitoria striati (par)
inhibitory interneurons of striatum (pair)
8799 tax
interneura GABAergica striati (par)
GABAergic interneurons of striatum (pair) ; aspiny type I GABAergic interneurons (pair)
9845 tax
substantia grisea pallidi (par)
grey matter of pallidum (pair)
77619 6234 tax
pallidum dorsale (par) ; globus pallidalis (par)
dorsal pallidum (pair) ; globus pallidus (pair)
77613 9145 tax
pallidum ventrale (par)
ventral pallidum (pair)
8800 tax
neura globi pallidi (par)
neurons of globus pallidus (pair)
8801 tax
neura projectionis globi pallidi (par) ; neura principalia globi pallidi (par)
projection neurons of globus pallidus (pair); principal neurons of globus pallidus (pair)
8804 tax
neura magna globi pallidi (par)
large cells of globus pallidus (pair)
8805 tax
substantia alba nucleorum basalium (par)
white matter of basal nuclei (pair)
8806 tax
tractus striatales (par)
striatal tracts (pair)
61960 6267 tax
capsula extrema
extreme capsule
61959 6266 tax
capsula externa
external capsule
77637 9509
fasciculus subcallosus
subcallosal bundle
62070 5874 tax
ansa lenticularis
ansa lenticularis
61976 5875
fasciculus lenticularis
lenticular fasciculus
77525 5888
fasciculus subthalamicus
subthalamic fasciculus
62065 5890
fasciculus thalamicus
thalamic fasciculus
8807 tax
connexus striatales (par)
striatal pathways (pair)
8808 tax
connexus afferentes striatales (par)
striatal afferent pathways (pair)
9544 tax
fibrae corticostriatales
corticostriatal fibres
fibrae amygdalostriatales
amygdalostriatal fibres
fibrae thalamostriatales
thalamostriatal fibres
8485 tax
fibrae nigrostriatales
nigrostriatal fibres
8809 tax
connexus efferentes striatales (par)
striatal efferent pathways (pair)
fibrae striatopallidales
striatopallidal fibres
fibrae striatonigrales
striatonigral fibres
8810 tax
connexus pallidales (par)
pallidal pathways (pair)
8811 tax
connexus pallidales afferentes (par)
afferent pallidal pathways (pair)
fibrae striatopallidales
striatopallidal fibres
fibrae subthalamopallidales
subthalamopallidal fibres
8812 tax
connexus pallidales efferentes (par) ; fibrae pallidofugales (par)
efferent pallidal pathways (pair) ; pallidofugal fibres (pair) ▲
fibrae pallidosubthalamicae
pallidosubthalamic fibres
fibrae pallidothalamicae
pallidothalamic fibres
fibrae pallidohabenulares
pallidohabenular fibres
fibrae pallidonigrales
pallidonigral fibres
fibrae pallidotegmentales
pallidotegmental fibres
69 lines
47.8 %
43.5 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Capsula extrema (Extreme capsule) forms one of the Long association systems involved in language processing (see Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
The large cholinergic neurons of the Striatum were originally described as Giant interneurons by Kölliker. Three types of GABAergic striatal interneurons can be distinguished, based on size and the colocalization of Parvalbumin, Somatostatin/NPY and Calretinin (Bolam 2010; Haber et al. 2012).
The Fasciculus subcallosus (Subcallosal fasciculus or Bundle of Muratoff; Muratoff W 1893 Secundäre Degenerationen nach Durchschneidung des Balkens. Neurol Centralbl 12:714-729) forms a separate bundle of Corticostriatal fibres (see Schmahmann JD, Pandya DN 2007 The complex history of the fronto-occipital fasciculus. J Hist Med 16:362-377).
The Striatum and Putamen consist of AChE-poor Striosomes within an AChE-rich matrix (Graybiel AM, Ragsdale CW Jr 1978 Histochemically distinct compartments in the striatum of human, monkey and cat demonstrated by acetylthiocholinesterase staining. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 75:5723-5726; Graybiel AM 1990 Neurotransmitters and modulators in the basal ganglia. Trends Neurosci 13:244-254).
The term Fundus striati points to the ventral parts of the Caudate nucleus and Putamen, that with the Nucleus accumbens and the Olfactory tubercle form the Ventral Striatum.
For Golgi studies see Braak H, Braak E (1982 Neuronal types in the striatum of man. Cell Tissue Res 227:319-342), and Graveland GA, Williams RS, DiFiglia M (1985 A Golgi study of the human neostriatum: Neurons and afferent fibers. J Comp Neurol 234:317-333); for immunohistochemical and physiological data see Bolam JP (2010 Microcircuits of the striatum. In: Shepherd GM, Grillner S, eds: Handbook of Brain Microcircuits. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 109-119) and Haber SN, Adler A, Bergman H (2012 The basal ganglia. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 678-838).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 6216
Number of children 162 (validated)
Number of units 69 (validated)
Signature 9161 (validated since 2.2.2025)
Date: 02.02.2025